Periodic safety technical check (PSTC)
----------Perioda kontroly -----/>
The recommended period of periodic safety technical check is 12 months.
--------------- Úvodní text ---------------------/>
Periodical Safety and Technical Inspection (PBTK) is carried out in accordance with the Law for the Medical Devices no. 268/2014 Sb. as subsequently amended, in particular by §64 up to the §66.
Under an agreement with the provider, the inspection is either carried out in its premises or the equipment is taken to the company’s premises. Freight forwarding is usually used for express delivery services ordered by the provider. The defects found may be corrected in agreement with the provider.
--------------- Ceny a zapůjčení ---------------------/>
Price for the periodical check:
- Preventive check:
- The basic rate for one piece of equipment is the following:
- device measurement,
- issuing the protocol.
- Rate for more than one device at a time (with more than one device being checked, the cost of issuing the protocol is only one time and the resulting price is from the following items:
- the number of devices checked,
- the cost of issuing a report.
- The shipping cost.
- Price for possible repairs:
- an hourly rate is charged for work,
- repairs during the warranty period are free of charge.
Renting a replacement device
Lending a replacement device. If necessary, we provide the customer (with a PPS 9001 (S) pump ) a replacement device. Before the fault device is picked up, the service provider sends a replacement device. The fault device will be picked up by the provider after delivery the replacement device to the customer. The customer pays the rental price according to the current price list and the shipping costs for the replacement of the spare device back and forth. Usually, express shipping services ordered by our company are used to transport.